Friday, February 18, 2011

Yeah, Tattoo Is Art

I saw my friend at work earlier that she just had her tattoo done on her lower back. She brags so much about it. Now a days I've been seeing a lot of woman having their tattoo on their lower back. I have no idea why some woman really like to stain their beautiful skin.

Yeah, I know tattoo's are known as an expensive piece of art that is drawn to our body. I wonder if there is a meaning of having a tattoo on our lower back, but one thing I know for sure is that I will never going to put those ugly thing on my body. I am scared that it might be giving me a bad effect when were applying for a job.

I know those things are hard to remove and removing a tattoo can be so expensive too and there's a tendency that you'll get a scar. Although they said there's best tattoo removal creams that you can use if if you have an unwanted tattoo that you want to get rid. There are also some viable options to get rid of a tattoo without spending a lot of money like getting a cover-up tattoo, and wearing make-up everyday buy these options only apply to a small percentage of those that want to fade/erase their unwanted tattoo.

So in the future if I'm going to change my mind and decide to have a tattoo I better make sure that I really want one and wont regret of having it and of course I'll have it in the part of my body that I can hide.

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