Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Can Be So Confusing!

OMG! I haven't been blogging since the 18th of this month. I'm such a crappy Blogger Lol! Oh well, when your a working woman you can't have all the time to be sitting and spending in the computer.

Lately my mind is flying to somewhere else too. I've been thinking a lot of things lately. I've been seriously thinking on how to improve my life without being so dependent with parents. There are also some big difficult decisions that I have to make in order for me to be able to step and give my life a better future.

I'm sure it's going to be very difficult but I have to do it and be strong cause only me is going to benefit it. I know, I'm lucky to have a beautiful family around me and I'm so thankful of them. I just hope that soon I'll be able to find and have the things that would really make me happy.

Oh Life! why does it has to be very so difficult.

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